Town of Renfrew has partnered with Renfrew County Youth Wellness Hub (YWHO) to offer this FREE program for youth aged 12-25.
Create a craft and enjoy some pizza, all while socializing with your peers.
Town of Renfrew has partnered with Renfrew County Youth Wellness Hub (YWHO) to offer this FREE program for youth aged 12-25.
Create a craft and enjoy some pizza, all while socializing with your peers.
Saturday, June 15
12 pm-2 pm
Youth Centre at myFM Centre, 1 Ma-te-Way Dr.
This program is free for youth between the ages of 12-25 to register for.
Registration is mandatory, and spaces are limited.
Register online here: https://app.univerusrec.com/renfrewpub/courses/index.asp?c=6&sc=9&crs=1155
613-432-4848 x118