Town Official Plan
The Official Plan for the Town of Renfrew provides the local policy framework for land use, growth and development in the Town of Renfrew. The Planning Act requires municipalities to have an Official Plan in affect that conforms to and is consistent with Provincial and upper tier (County) policy and legislation. The Town Official Plan establishes the long term vision for the community as articulated by Council in consultation with residents.
Residents, property owners, and developers should review the Official Plan, land use schedule and appendices, to understand how the Official Plan affects their property, and the long term development of their community.
The Town is currently undertaking a review of its Official Plan as required by the Planning Act. Click on the link below for information related to the Official Plan Review.
County Official Plan
The County of Renfrew is the approval authority for the Town Official Plan, and serves as the one-window for ensuring regard for matters of Provincial interest, and consistency with Provincial Policy. The Planning Act prescribes that upper tier municipalities, including the County of Renfrew, have Official Plans in effect that govern land use and development within their boundaries. The County of Renfrew Official Plan recognizes local Official Plans as the primary detailed land use and development policy instrument. The County of Renfrew Official Plan is accessible via the link below.