This will be an evening parade starting at 5:30 pm, followed by pictures with Santa at the Renfrew Legion. Don't forget to bring your donation for the Renfrew and District Food Bank
Town of Renfrew Santa Claus Parade brought to you by Pizzahut_Renfrew
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2024
Time: Evening Parade starting at 5:30 pm
Route: From St. Joseph's High School, through downtown Renfrew along Raglan St. S., ending at Munroe Ave.
Pictures with Santa will follow the parade at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 148 (30 Raglan St. S.).
Float Guidelines:
-One float per organization or business.
-Decorate your float in holiday style!
-There’s no theme this year—just bring your best “holiday style” and plenty of lights to make the season bright!
Get the form to register your float here: https://www.renfrew.ca/.../2024-Float-Participant...
*Submit completed form to programs@renfrew.ca or drop off at reception office at myFM Centre.
Thank you to our Reindeer Level Sponsors
Mativ / Scapa Industrial / Renfrew Pro
Thank you to our Elf Level Sponsors
Downtown Renfrew-Renfrew Business Improvement Area
We still have Candy Cane Level sponsorship available. Get the form here: https://www.renfrew.ca/.../FILLABLE-Sponsorship...
*Submit completed form to programs@renfrew.ca or drop off at reception office at myFM Centre.
Don't forget to bring your donation for the Renfrew and District Food Bank! They will be in the parade collecting donations. We will also have an area at the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 148 Renfrew following the parade for you to drop off donations.